Home Thoughts From Abroad

Dog on Holiday


20th July

I think I have finally got over the disappointment of last weekend's football debacle ๐Ÿ˜ฅ and confidently expect to be contacted by the FA and soon appointed as the New England Manager. Like so many people I knew exactly what we should have done to beat Spain. If only they had listened to me. Sigh. During the week I have been drowning my sorrows by watching the closing stages of the Tour de France, another sport that I love, which has been great fun.

On Tuesday I had coffee with Chris, who now knows all your ghastly secrets and met Tracy, Dexter and Tess. My meeting with Dexter was err... bracing ๐Ÿ˜ณ We talked about many things and Chris is now editing this website. I am going to carry on with Home Thoughts From Abroad for a little longer. Haven't really heard anything from Church this week so I will leave you with the following cartoon which Lindsay sent me and made me smile.

IMG_0858 2

Stay well and safe everyone.

13th July

Even as I write, the Tall Churchwarden is being sworn in as Churchwarden in Keysoe. She will now finally be compliant. Chris was apparently heard to remark "for the first time ever." I would have to say that this echoes my experience as well. Sigh.

Lindsay also felt that it was important that you are reminded of who is in the final of the Euros tomorrow night against Spain, so she sent me a picture of her Lair.


Clearly she has memory issues, but I'm glad she has found a way to help herself. I'm sure all right-thinking people will be glued to their TVs tomorrow night, supporting England and cheering on our inevitable triumph.

For me, the most important and significant event of the week was the funeral of Richard Tyler, who we have all prayed for over recent months, at Northill church on Tuesday. The service went really well and Sue was very pleased with it. It was interesting to learn that Richard had turned his thoughts to the order of service for his funeral during lockdown. Certainly the service reflected Richard's love for his family and his lifelong involvement with church music. I am sure that you will continue to remember Sue and their family in your prayers.

After the service, at the reception in the Village Hall I was able to meet Chris for the first time which was lovely for me. We managed to have a brief chat and are getting together for a coffee next week. He has asked me to give him the lowdown on all of you. I shall look forward to this... The awful truth can finally be told. He he he.... ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

I also received a photo from Clive and Trevinaย of Durham Cathedral during the week, to use in our Random Cathedral Photos series.


A rather vertigo inducing shot, but a really good one. I must however chide the aforementioned parishioners for not trying harder. With great self-sacrifice I trecked all the way up to Durham earlier in the year just to get you a photo of this Cathedral. I do think Clive and Trevina could have tried a bit harder and been more original, but I suppose it's the thought that counts. Sigh. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Please do take a look at the Latest News page, if you haven't already, as what we are collecting for the Need Project has changed and you will find all the details there.

Stay well and safe everyone.

6th July

So there you all are!


What a happy Band of Pilgrims. The Parish Photographer was apparently mercilessly nagged and this roused him from his lethargy and he sent me some pics, at last, for which, as ever, I am very grateful. These included the one of the Birthday Girl from the week before. We can also see the gorgeous cake.


Thankfully there were no candles for her to deal with, so little danger to life and limb. The only other bit of news from church that I have picked up during the week is that there was a PCC Meeting on Thursday morning, which would have been Chris' first. I do hope that all went well.

When I vacated the Castle I thought that was the end of free Air Shows for me, which I have enjoyed so much over the last 20 years or so. I always thought this was one of the definite bonuses of living at the Vicarage in Caldecote. As it turned out I could not have been more wrong. I was utterly amazed last Saturday to see this in the distance.


And then this right over the garden here at the Chateau.


The very best views of the Red Arrows that I have ever had. As the day unfolded, I also had distant views of a Typhoon Eurofighter and slightly closer views of what I think might have been a Spitfire. It felt like my own private Fly-Past. I feel very lucky indeed!

Stay well and safe everyone.