Papa Malliaros writes

Papa Malliaros writes...

23rd August

There ought to be a sense that summer is coming to a close.

The football season has kicked off again, bringing with it a delightful three hours last Saturday when Liverpool were top of the Premier League. But there is still a significant amount of cricket to be played, so plenty to keep Papa M occupied when sermon writing becomes too much of a chore. It must be admitted, though, that Lancashire Cricket Club are not having the kind of season that the Reds had under the previous regime at Anfield, so we might just have to concentrate on the England Men's team, who are being rather un-English by having a remarkably good summer and winning everything.

Speaking of a good summer, a good time was had by all who attended the Barbecue in the churchyard last Sunday in glorious sunny weather.

There is a gallery of photos, which you can view here. If you have any more that you would like to add to the gallery, just send them to me via the email address that is on the weekly sheet.

Huge thanks are due to everyone who arranged the barbecue and worked to ensure everyone had a good time - you know who you are. With the takings from that event, topped by the Coffee Money, we are able to donate over £300 to each of the charities - so everyone, give yourselves a pat on the back.

The arduous process of settling into the new pied a terre continues, albeit not with any tremendous sense of urgency. Of much more concern is the garden, because we have to be absolutely certain that Dexter can't get out*. To that end, the shed will have to go. The problem is that when Dexter is behind it, I don't know what he is getting up to. Doubtless, those who have been parents of small children will sympathise, remembering that sense of unease when you can neither see nor hear the little darlings and don't know what mischief they are creating. So, the edifice that Dexter loves to hide behind is a source of anxiety and almost paranoia to me. If anyone knows how to dispose of a dilapidated, partly rotten, ivy-infested shed, we would be grateful to hear from you. Please send suggestions to the Vicarage.

Once I get properly settled, I'll post here more often than once a month.

But that's all for now.

Every blessing,
Papa Malliaros


* Dexter hasn't actually escaped for about six weeks. So maybe he can't get out anymore. Mind you, that's what we thought back then...




22nd July

I'll explain another time why this is written under the pseudonym Papa Malliaros, although perhaps I'll offer a prize (a condescending pat on the head) to any smart aleck who can guess why before the revelation.  I could have called this blog The Rambling Rector, but sadly, modern plagiarism laws make this impossible -  a colleague of mine from my Derby Diocese Days has already done this. (I understand that Rambling Rector is a reference to a rose - I'm no gardener, as anyone who has seen the Castle's back garden recently will testify).  So Papa Maillaros, the Musing Minister it shall be.

As mentioned by my renowned, illustrious predecessor in his column, he and I had a meeting last week.   Although I begged him with floods of tears, rending my garments and covering my bald patch with ashes, Frank was certain in his mind that he wanted to retire his "Home Thoughts From Abroad" Column.  As a concession to my finer feeling, he will keep it going longer than he had intended to do.  Some mention was made to a scriptural reference (John 3.30) where John the Baptist says of his successor, "He must increase, but I must decrease". Of course, it's possible that this was a reference to the fact that Frank looks fit and slim, two adjectives that have not described me for nearly two decades.

Nevertheless, the decision - well, his decision, really - was that Home Thoughts From Abroad will fade away by the autumn. When I am indisposed, there will be guest appearances on this blog, but other than that, I'm afraid you'll have to get used to my ramblings - blog posts filled with references to Football, and especially the Mighty Reds (Liverpool FC), Cricket (The Red Rose Rules), and Rugby (especially Y tîm pwerus Cymru). 

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, as I'm sure President Macron said before calling his pointless election recently.

Every blessing,
Papa Malliaros.